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新加坡挑战上海全球最大货柜港地位 (香港船务周刊)
今年一季度新加坡和上海的集装箱吞吐量分别达到750万个20 柜,两港口在向全球最繁忙港口排名的竞争中再次显出不分上下的局势。

新加坡一直享有的吞吐量全球第一大港的排名于2010年被上海港超越。但在今年3月,新加坡的港口吞吐量达到260万个20 柜,高于去年同期的250万个20 柜。



The cheap prom dresses have such an iconic position in society that the V & A will exhibit them. The image of Miss Haversham sitting in her rotting silk and the 'needs a good iron' reaction to Princess Diana's prom dress are powerful enduring images which, in truth, were fictional and fleeting.